
333Acre was founded in the year 2011 with its head office in Delhi (India). Its main focus is on Real Estate services. Within a few year of its inception, its service portfolio expanded manifold and now www.333acre.com is known as the leader of Digitalized Real Estate portal in India. Additionally, with the introduction of real estate services, it has become one of the fastest growing brand. 333Acre is run by Mrs Rachna Sharma like one women army. Over the years, 333Acre has become the talk of the town due to smart working of Rachna Madam. In a short period of time, she established 333Acre in this highly competitive segment. At 333 Acre they not only provide huge list of properties But also introduce a lot of innovative services like Architects, Vastu, Circle Rate of any area property, Loan Calculator, Special deal for Corporate Groups, etc. She won numerous awards (introducing best real estate portal) and appreciation for her efforts.
Website: www.333acre.com/
Operating Since: 2014
Dealing in: Properties

Areas of Operation
