
Popular Promoters & Developers is a child company of Balaji Constructions having projects in multiple locations of Pune.

We have more than 4 decades of presence in Pune Real Estate Industry.

Some of the completed projects are
1. Popular Nagar - Warje
2. Popular Colony - Warje
3. Popular Prestige - Warje
4. Upside Learning Commercial Tower - Warje
5. Mai Mangeskar Hospital Building - Warje
6. Green Rooftop - Sinhagad Road
7. Balaji Warehousing - Alandi

We also have couple of projects under construction
1. Popular Colony - Phase2, Warje
2. P-ONE, commercial building in Warje

We were the first builders who have introduced Warje region to PUNE construction industry.

For more details connect - 8888877749, 9540907979

Operating Since: 1970
Dealing in: Sale/Purchase and Rent/Lease of Apartments / Flats, Office Spaces

Areas of Operation
