
About safebiz group!!! Safebiz group brings to you the best deals on property in tricity . We offer the best discounts on commercial and residential property for sale in chandigarh, panchkula, mohali, kharar, zirakpur. If you wish to buy property in these cities, we have a wide range of properties to suit your needs and requirements. Why safebiz group!!! One-Stop service location that provides analysis, property selection, site visit, booking, documentation, home-Loan and interiors. Impartial advice to assist your search for the best-Fit property. Zero brokerage on purchase of new projects secure & transparent deals best customer care!!! The customer support team of safebiz group provides customers with world class customer care right from the date of booking till the date of possession of the property by the customer. The entire range of safebiz group services are offered free-Of-Cost to the customer. Professionally managed company!!!. The strong developer relationships!!! Safebiz group has tie-Ups with a lot of leading real estate developers and builders (Like maya garden magnesia, gbp, victoria hights, gmada aerocity mohali, tricity trade tower, sushma buildtech, etc.) the company offers its customers the best properties in the latest projects at a wide range of locations & most reliable real estate developers. Quality policy!!! Establishment of quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring to provide best real estate services to create ambie

Operating Since: 2019
Dealing in: Sale/Purchase and Rent/Lease of Properties

Areas of Operation
