Hasmukh Nagar, Mumbai

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Hasmukh Nagar, Mumbai News

  • MP Gaikwad visits demolished Jai Bhim Nagar slum in Powai
    - MP Varsha Gaikwad visits site, demands investigation and resettlement for affected families. Mumbai: Days after the BMC demolished a slum in Jai Bhim Nagar, Powai, rendering 650 families homeless who spent two rainy nights on the streets under makeshift ... more
  • 24 new restaurants in India to dine at this June—across Mumbai, Pune, Delhi-NCR, Amritsar, Bengaluru, Goa, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram
    - From Latin American fare and exciting pop-ups to swish eateries and lazy brunches, add these places to your radar this month more
  • Mumbai North East: Marathi-Muslim wave for Sanjay Dina Patil
    - Patil bagged 4,50,937 votes accounting for 48.67% of the vote share while Kotecha secured 4,21,076 votes or 45.45% of the vote share more

Price Trends in Hasmukh Nagar, Mumbai

Projects in Hasmukh Nagar

Properties for Sale in Hasmukh Nagar

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Rental Properties in Hasmukh Nagar